Mochamad Alvin Dwiana Qobulsyah

Versions of names: Мочамад Элвин Двиана Кобулсиах

Mochamad Alvin Dwiana Qobulsyah has almost a decade of experience as a reporter, news producer, and broadcaster in the Indonesian and South Korean media industry. Currently, Alvin Qobulsyah is performing as a Senior News Producer at SEA Today, Indonesia's English-medium broadcast media based in Jakarta. Alvin Qobulsyah has a Master of International Studies degree from Seoul National University, majoring in international cooperation. His current focus research and interests are transnational migration, middle power studies, and multiculturalism.


International "observers" and "experts" observe the 2024 Russian Presidential Elections

not identified

Institutional affiliation to KBS World Radio (Indonesian Service)

Official function: Institutional affiliation to Department of International Relations, BINUS University

Taken from Russian media IZ, this quote aimed to portray the democratic procedure of the Russian presidential elections held from March 15 to 17, 2024. The presence of international observers legitimizes the elections held both in Russia and in Russia-occupied Ukrainian territories.

I was invited here as an international observer to the electotal process, as well as a journalist and a researcher. I'm look how the elections are going. [Translated from Russian]

Corresponding elections

During the “presidential elections” held in Russia from 15-17 March 2024, Vladislav Davankov (“New People” party), Nikolay Kharitonov (Communist Party), Vladimir Putin, and Leonid Slutsky (Liberal-Democratic Party) competed for the presidency. Enabled to run yet again by controversial constitutional amendments effective 4 July 2020, Putin dominated the “elections” together with his controlled “opposition” excluding genuine opposition figures. These “elections” occurred under Putin’s regime control, both within Russia and illegally in occupied Ukrainian territories, including Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, ARC and Sevastopol.