Pedro Agramunt

Versions of names: Педро Аграмунт

Pedro Agramunt is a former president of the Parliamentary Assembly (2016-2017) and a member of the Senate of Spain since 2008. In March 2017 he travelled to Syria to meet with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, backed by Russia. After Agramunt’s visit to Syria the PACE Bureau passed a vote of no confidence in him.


Individual observers at the 2018 Russian presidential election


Partido Popular / People's Party

Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe PACE

Official function: Member of the national parliament of Spain

Никаких проблем [на выборах] я не наблюдал и могу сегодня только поздравить вновь избранного президента. Мы видели, что за него проголосовало абсолютное большинство. Я надеюсь, что все это ознаменует новый период сотрудничества и понимания между всеми континентами. (2018-03-19)

Я в первый раз видел электронные урны со сканерами. В будущем так и должно быть. Но я не знаю, насколько этот метод голосования надежный — надеюсь, что да. В целом на выборах не было никаких проблем. Мне остается только поздравить избранного президента, который получил абсолютное большинство голосов.

EPDE correspondence
Individual observers at the 2021 Russian parliamentary election


Partido Popular / People's Party

Ordinary party member

Обстановка на выборах спокойная, и это самое главное. Избирательные участки хорошо организованы. Все проходит хорошо. У меня замечаний никаких нет.... Выборы абсолютно честные и транспарентные (2021-09-19)

Corresponding elections

The seventh presidential election in Russia was held on 18 March 2018. With the exception of the election in Russia-annexed Crimea, this election is considered legitimate. The election held in Crimea for the Russian presidency is internationally considered to be an illegitimate election, see more on this at the election page 2018 Russian presidential election in annexed Crimea. The election took place under restrictions on fundamental freedoms and limited space for political engagement.
The 8th parliamentary election in Russia was held from 17 to 19 September 2021. With the exception of the election in Russia-annexed Crimea, this election is considered legitimate. The election held in Crimea is internationally considered to be an illegitimate election, see more on this on the election page 2021 Russian parliamentary election in annexed Crimea. Opposition candidates and independent observation of the election were prohibited and experts called this the dirtiest election in Russia's history.