Batradz Bilaonov

Versions of names: Батрадз Билаонов

Member of the Parliament of the Northern Ossetia-Alania. He was elected deputy chairman of the Parliament of the Northern Ossetia-Alania in 2017. Graduated from the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute with a degree in industrial and civil engineering.


Individual observers at the 2019 parliamentary elections in the unrecognised Republic of South Ossetia


Патриоты России / Patriots of Russia

Member of the regional parliament of the Northern Ossetia-Alania

«Мы побывали на участках не только в Цхинвале, но и в самых отдаленных районах республики, в том числе и в Ленингоре. Обстановка везде идеальная, народ встречал нас благожелательно. Хочу отметить, что все было организовано на высшем уровне, все легитимно. И мы рады, что у вас цивилизованная государственность» (2019-06-09)

Corresponding elections

On 9 June 2019, the so-called Republic of South Ossetia, located within the internationally recognised borders of Georgia, held “parliamentary elections”. The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise the sovereignty of the Republic of South Ossetia, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered “elections” there as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there.