Dimitri de Kochko

Versions of names: Дмитрий Кочко, Дмитрий де Кошко, Дмитрий Борисович де Кошко

Dimitri de Kochko is a French journalist. He was granted Russian citizenship by Vladimir Putin in 2017. De Kochko is a co-founder of the Union of Russophones of France and a regular commentator for the French edition of the Russian state-controlled Sputnik website. He is an affiliated expert of the Public Diplomacy project. Since 2014, de Kochko has been engaged in spreading disinformation about Ukraine as well as attacking mainstream French media accusing them of “russophobia".


Individual observers at the 2018 Russian presidential election

No affiliation

Institutional affiliation to the Union of Russophones of France

Я не увидел ничего особенного, кроме одного: это то, что явка всё-таки выше, чем я ожидал, по правде говоря.

https://vestiirk.ru/news/policy/233736 (2018-03-19)
International experts at the 2020 All-Russian Voting in Russia

No affiliation

International experts observing elections on the 2017 Russian single voting day

No affiliation

Institutional affiliation to the Union of Russophones of France

Думаю, что проблема не в процедуре выборов, а в кандидатах и в политической жизни России. Так что о выборах можно сказать, что возможность выразить свое мнение существует в России несмотря на то, что говорят и пишут об этом

Corresponding elections

The seventh presidential election in Russia was held on 18 March 2018. With the exception of the election in Russia-annexed Crimea, this election is considered legitimate. The election held in Crimea for the Russian presidency is internationally considered to be an illegitimate election, see more on this at the election page 2018 Russian presidential election in annexed Crimea. The election took place under restrictions on fundamental freedoms and limited space for political engagement.
In order to have a possibility to stay in power until 2036, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided, in January 2020, to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legitimise its change through the “all-Russian voting”.
Election Day was held on September 10, 2017. 82 out of 85 of Russia's regions took part in the voting. Only in Saint Petersburg, Republic of Ingushetia and Magadan Oblast no elections took place