Aymeri de Montesquiou-Fezensac d’Artagnan

Versions of names: Аймери де Монтескью-Фезенсак д'Артаньян

Aymeri de Montesquiou-Fezensac d’Artagnan has been the mayor of the tiny French town of Marsan since 1976. He is a member of the Republican Party in France. He was a Member of the European Parliament from 1989 to 1993 and senator of Gers from 1998 to 2015. Aymeri de Montesquiou-Fezensac d’Artagnan was indicted for accepting bribes and money laundering in relation to the so-called Kazakhgate and took part in the politically biased international monitoring mission to the Russian regional elections in September 2017.


International experts observing elections on the 2019 Russian single voting day


Parti radical / The Radical Party

Official function: Ordinary party member

Все происходило в соответствии с нормами и правилами. Мне было очень интересно видеть на одном из участков электронную систему.

У каждой страны есть свои правила проведения избирательной кампании. И для нас важно. Чтобы эти правила соблюдались. На тех участках, где я сегодня побывал, они соблюдаются, нет никаких проблем.

http://archive.is/Aokxa#selection-567.267-567.461 (2019-09-08)
International experts observing elections on the 2017 Russian single voting day


Parti radical / The Radical Party

Ordinary party member

Corresponding elections

On the single voting day on 8 September 2019, Russia elected governors in 19 federal subjects and members of legislative bodies in 13 federal subjects. In July 2019, the Moscow City Election Commission (MCEC) refused to register the overwhelming majority of independent opposition candidates for the elections to the Moscow City Duma. This provoked mass protests in Moscow and undermined the legitimacy of the elections.
Election Day was held on September 10, 2017. 82 out of 85 of Russia's regions took part in the voting. Only in Saint Petersburg, Republic of Ingushetia and Magadan Oblast no elections took place