Pascal Hillebrand

Versions of names: Паскаль Хиллебрандт

Pascal Hillebrand is a Dutch volunteer fighter, who has been living in the so-called “Donetsk People's Republic” with his family since 2017 and obtained its citizenship.


Individual observers at the 2018 general elections in the unrecognised Donetsk People’s Republic

No affiliation

Созданы территориальные и участковые избирательные комиссии, которые в рамках своих полномочий участвуют в ходе подготовки к выборам. В целом нужно отметить, что все мероприятия по обеспечению избирательного процесса проходят в штатном режиме и в полном соответствии с графиком, закрепленном в законодательстве Республики. (2018-11-11)

Corresponding elections

On 11 November 2018, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, located within the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine, held “elections” to elect a head of the “republic” and members of its “parliament”. The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise the sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered “elections” there as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there.