Mikhail Kozlov

Versions of names: Михаил Козлов

Deputy Chairman in Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security (2015-2020). Previously he was a deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma of the sixth convocation.


Individual observers at the 2019 presidential elections in the unrecognised Republic of Abkhazia


Единая Россия / United Russia

Member of the national parliament of the Russian Federation

Замечаний практически нет. Все председатели избирательных участков знают свои обязанности. Нет какой-то неорганизованности, все идет в рамках законодательства. Сегодня народ Абхазии выразил свою волю, и нет сомнений, что выборы будут признаны действительными.

http://archive.is/tv0nQ#selection-615.1-615.259 (2019-08-26)

Безопасность была обеспечена, на участках было спокойно.

http://archive.is/25gzB#selection-929.184-929.239 (2019-08-27)

Corresponding elections

The so-called Republic of Abkhazia, located within the internationally recognised borders of Georgia, held “presidential elections” on 25 August and 8 September 2019. The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise the sovereignty of the Republic of Abkhazia, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered “elections” there as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there.