Pedro Mouriño

Versions of names: Педро Моуринью / Pedro Mourino

Pedro Mouriño is a founder and CEO of IberAtlantic Global Corporation which cooperates with the Russian military-industrial complex. He is a former leader of the New Generations of the Popular Party, and he regularly comments for the Russian state-controlled RT. Mouriño took part in the politically biased electoral observation mission at the parliamentary elections in Russia in December 2011. Together with Johan Bäckman, he observed the referendum in Crimea that was followed by the annexation of this Ukrainian republic by Russia in March 2014. Mouriño observed the 2018 Russian presidential election, as well as Russian regional elections on the single voting day in 2018 and 2019 and the 2020 all-Russian voting on amendments to the constitution.


Individual observers at the 2018 Russian presidential election


Partido Popular / People's Party

Ordinary party member  

Official function: Institutional affiliation to IberAtlantic Global Corporation

Mourino, who is overseeing the elections in the Dmitrov district of the Moscow region, described the organization of the elections as "very good" and "ideal."

From the most of the electronic devices connected to the Internet one could see most of the polling stations, as the video surveillance systems were installed in the last presidential elections.

International experts observing elections on the 2018 Russian single voting day


Partido Popular / People's Party

Ordinary party member  

Official function: Institutional affiliation to IberAtlantic Global Corporation

Считаю, что избиратели в центре города, на его окраинах и за его пределами очень сильно отличаются.

Международный эксперт Педро Моуриньо отметил, что избирательный процесс прошел на высоком уровне и подтвердил, что выборы состоялись в соответствие со всеми международными стандартами и стандартами РФ.

International experts observing elections on the 2019 Russian single voting day


Partido Popular / People's Party

Ordinary party member  

Official function: Institutional affiliation to IberAtlantic Global Corporation

Мы замечаем, что с каждым годом выборы становятся прозрачнее и интереснее.

International experts at the 2020 All-Russian Voting in Russia

not identified

Institutional affiliation to IberAtlantic Global Corporation (CEO)

Внедрение современных технологий способствует активному взаимодействию граждан и государственных институтов, и в конечном итоге приводит к расширению демократизации в плане принятия решений. Это положительное явление и неотъемлемая часть прогресса российской политической жизни", - отметил Педро Моуриньо, директор правовой компании из Испании.

Corresponding elections

The seventh presidential election in Russia was held on 18 March 2018. With the exception of the election in Russia-annexed Crimea, this election is considered legitimate. The election held in Crimea for the Russian presidency is internationally considered to be an illegitimate election, see more on this at the election page 2018 Russian presidential election in annexed Crimea. The election took place under restrictions on fundamental freedoms and limited space for political engagement.
On the single voting day on 8 September 2019, Russia elected governors in 19 federal subjects and members of legislative bodies in 13 federal subjects. In July 2019, the Moscow City Election Commission (MCEC) refused to register the overwhelming majority of independent opposition candidates for the elections to the Moscow City Duma. This provoked mass protests in Moscow and undermined the legitimacy of the elections.
During the single voting day on 9 September 2018, Russia elected 26 regional heads, 7 members of the State Duma, members of 16 regional councils, 4 regional city mayors, and several thousands of municipal heads and council members.
In order to have a possibility to stay in power until 2036, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided, in January 2020, to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legitimise its change through the “all-Russian voting”.
During the “presidential elections” held in Russia from 15-17 March 2024, Vladislav Davankov (“New People” party), Nikolay Kharitonov (Communist Party), Vladimir Putin, and Leonid Slutsky (Liberal-Democratic Party) competed for the presidency. Enabled to run yet again by controversial constitutional amendments effective 4 July 2020, Putin dominated the “elections” together with his controlled “opposition” excluding genuine opposition figures. These “elections” occurred under Putin’s regime control, both within Russia and illegally in occupied Ukrainian territories, including Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, ARC and Sevastopol.