Manuel Ochsenreiter

Versions of names: Мануэль Оксенрайтер

Manuel Ochsenreiter was a German journalist. He was an editor for the Deutsche Militärzeitschrift / German Military Journal and the far-right magazine Zuerst! /  First!. He was a regular commentator for the Russian state-controlled RT and Sputnik websites. He took part in several politically biased monitoring missions (e.g. illegitimate “referendum” in Crimea in March 2014, “general elections” in the DPR in November 2014 and “primary regional elections” in the DPR in October 2016). Ochsenreiter worked as a consultant for Markus Frohnmaier, a member of the German Bundestag from the AfD and a strong proponent of lifting EU sanctions imposed on Russia. In 2019, Ochsenreiter has been accused of ordering a firebombing in Ukraine. In August 2021 he died in Moscow as a result of a heart attack.


Individual observers at the 2018 general elections in the unrecognised Donetsk People’s Republic

No affiliation

Institutional affiliation to the far-right magazine "Zuerst!"

Очень важно, что люди пришли показать свою гражданскую позицию вопреки Киеву. Я увидел, что в ДНР соблюдены все мировые стандартны избирательного процесса. Эти выборы, наверно, даже больше соответствуют мировым стандартам в США. (2018-11-11)

Corresponding elections

On 11 November 2018, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, located within the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine, held “elections” to elect a head of the “republic” and members of its “parliament”. The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise the sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered “elections” there as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there.