Jean-Luc Reitzer

Versions of names: Жан-Люк Рейтцер

Jean-Luc Reitzer is a member of the National Assembly of France since 1988, representing the 3rd district of Haut-Rhin. He is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and works as a full member of the French delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.  

He studied at the Strasbourg Institute of Political Studies and began his career in the private sector as a corporate executive, being in charge of social relations at Peugeot-Citroën. 1977 he was involved in politics as the Deputy Mayor of the city of Altkirch in the Sundgau. Between 1983 and 2017 he was the Mayor of Altkirch and between 1986 and 1988 he was a member of the Regional Council of Alsace.


ECDHR observers at the 2020 Azerbaijani parliamentary elections


Les Républicains (LR) / The Republicans

Member of the national parliament of the French Republic

We see that a large group of well-trained specialists is involved in the organisation. Nothing prevents voters from entering the booths to make their choice based on personal preferences. (2020-02-15)

Everything is very well organized. We saw lists of all the candidates, all the voting rules, a list of all processes undergoing. (2020-02-09)

Corresponding elections

On 9 February 2020, Azerbaijan held parliamentary elections. They were originally scheduled to take place in November 2020, but were brought forward after parliament was dissolved in December 2019.