Stefano Valdegamberi

Versions of names: Стефано Вальдегамбери

Stefano Valdegamberi is a deputy of the regional council of Veneto, member of the Northern League. He is also a member of the coordinating council of the international association "Friends of Crimea" and the author of the text recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and demanding the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions.


Individual observers at the 2018 Russian presidential election in annexed Crimea


Lega / League

Member of the regional parliament of Veneto

Individual observers at the 2021 Russian parliamentary election


Lega Nord

Member of the regional parliament of Veneto

И меня поразила прозрачность всего происходящего у вас, то, как вы вовлекаете очень много людей в этот процесс, как всё контролируется

International experts observing elections on the 2017 Russian single voting day


Lega / League

Member of the regional parliament of Veneto

Особой целью у нас было посмотреть действие новой электронной системы QR-кодирования, посмотреть, как это работает. Потому что до введения этой системы у нас в Италии происходили некие ошибки при подсчете голосов, и мы хотели посмотреть, как у вас это работает. Это очень важная гарантия для граждан вашей страны — эта электронная система, и могу точно сказать, что когда вернусь в Италию — буду советовать нашим итальянцам использовать эту систему (2017-09-10)

Corresponding elections

The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2014, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered Russian elections held in Crimea as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there. In their turn, Ukrainian authorities warned that any participation in the electoral process in Crimea would be illegal.
Election Day was held on September 10, 2017. 82 out of 85 of Russia's regions took part in the voting. Only in Saint Petersburg, Republic of Ingushetia and Magadan Oblast no elections took place
The 8th parliamentary election in Russia was held from 17 to 19 September 2021. With the exception of the election in Russia-annexed Crimea, this election is considered legitimate. The election held in Crimea is internationally considered to be an illegitimate election, see more on this on the election page 2021 Russian parliamentary election in annexed Crimea. Opposition candidates and independent observation of the election were prohibited and experts called this the dirtiest election in Russia's history.
During the “presidential elections” held in Russia from 15-17 March 2024, Vladislav Davankov (“New People” party), Nikolay Kharitonov (Communist Party), Vladimir Putin, and Leonid Slutsky (Liberal-Democratic Party) competed for the presidency. Enabled to run yet again by controversial constitutional amendments effective 4 July 2020, Putin dominated the “elections” together with his controlled “opposition” excluding genuine opposition figures. These “elections” occurred under Putin’s regime control, both within Russia and illegally in occupied Ukrainian territories, including Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, ARC and Sevastopol.