Candela Sol Silva

Versions of names:

Candela Sol Silva, from Argentina, is the President of the Argentinian Youth branch of Giorgia Meloni’s political party Fratelli d’Italia. She is a columnist for the Italian publication La Voce del Patriota and an author for Hungarian Conservative. Her last name was mistakenly reported as "Siva" in Georgian Dream-affiliated media. She was observed alongside Fanni Lajkó at Lisi Lake in Tbilisi.




Corresponding elections

In the 2024 parliamentary elections in Georgia, Georgian Dream (GD)-affiliated media, TV Imedi, reported the involvement of 76 international observation organizations and over 1,700 observers. However, an analysis of the media coverage revealed several key issues: the media consistently highlighted the "international" label without providing details about the observers' credentials or affiliations; they often only mentioned their countries of origin (e.g., France, Germany); the reports were also marked by inconsistent or erroneous naming, with some individuals being referred to by multiple identities or misspelled names, complicating verification; and these statements were widely shared on social media, particularly Facebook, where posts with eye-catching cards featuring the observers' comments gained significant traction, further shaping public perceptions of the election.
