Jerzy Kwasniewski

Versions of names: Jerzy Kwaśniewski

Jerzy Kwaśniewski is the President of the Management Board and co-founder of the Ordo Iuris Institute, a Polish conservative think-tank that sent n 18-strong mission to observe the Hungarian elections. The arrival of the mission, headed by Kwaśniewski, was personally noted by Orbán’s government's international spokesman Zoltán Kovács. Kwaśniewski is also a lecturer at the Collegium Intermarium University in Poland which is affiliated with the Ordo Iuris Institute. The post-election reports from Ordo Iuris Institute, published in cooperation with Collegium Intermarium University, argue against OSCE ODIHR’s report.

Corresponding elections

In anticipation of the OSCE ODIHR mission’s criticism of the Hungarian parliamentary elections, the Hungarian authorities decided that they needed to counterbalance the expected OSCE’s criticism with positive assessments of the elections. To this end, and for the first time in the history of any EU Member State, Orbán’s government invited dozens of friendly politicians, journalists, and civil society activists whose aim was to endorse the elections. These friendly observers – among them members of the European Parliament and of the PACE of the Council of Europe - praised the conduct of the parliamentary elections.
