Vito Grittani

Versions of names: Вито Гриттани

Vito Grittani is from Italy. He is a citizen of Abkhazia. Since 2016 he has been an Ambassadors-at-large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia. With the direct participation of Vito Grittani, the Association "Europe - Abkhazia" and the organization "Friends of Abkhazia" were registered in Italy. With the advisory support and financial assistance of Vito Grittani, the "Abkhaz Institute of Culture named after Dmitry Gulia" was opened in Italy. Grittani is also the founder of a group called the International Diplomatic Observatory.

Corresponding elections

From 23 to 27 September 2022, the Russian forces organised a sham election process - pseudo-referendum as a pretext for the formal annexation of the regions of occupied Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson by Russia. The annexation of the four regions was announced on 30 September 2022.
From 8 to 10 September 2023, the Russian forces organised widely condemned regional and municipal elections in the regions of occupied Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. The results were largely rejected by the international community, with North Korea and Syria being the only ones to explicitly recognise them.


Individual Observers at the 2022 pseudo-referendum for the formal annexation of occupied territories of Donetsk to Russia

not identified

Institutional affiliation to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia

After a working trip, Mr. Grittani was struck by the approach to the preparation of the referendum and, especially, by the fact that the DPR takes into account the legitimate interests of people with disabilities who cannot independently come to the polling station, but have the opportunity to express their will with the help of mobile election commissions, which work according to specially compiled lists of voting "at home". [Translated from Russian] (2023-08-25)
Individual Observers at the 2023 territorial pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine

not identified

Institutional affiliation to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia

Referendum and elections are different things. But there is one common line - this is the desire of people to make their choice. We see the burning eyes of people at the polling stations. It is important for us to observe that elections were called so soon after the referendum, and they are being held according to all standards and standards. People choose leaders for themselves - this is a normal desire. Thank God that people have such an opportunity. [Translated from Russian]