Dimitrios Liatsos

Versions of names: Димитрис Лиатсос, Λιάτσος Δημήτριος

Dimitrios Liatsos is a Greek journalist, who has been working in Russia for over than 10 years. He is a correspondent of a state-run Television of Greece and regular contributor to the Greek edition of the Russian state-funded Sputnik website that promotes the Kremlin's foreign policy interests.

Corresponding elections

The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2014, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered Russian elections held in Crimea as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there. In their turn, Ukrainian authorities warned that any participation in the electoral process in Crimea would be illegal.
In order to have a possibility to stay in power until 2036, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided, in January 2020, to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legitimise its change through the “all-Russian voting”.


International experts at the 2020 All-Russian Voting in Russia

No affiliation

Institutional affiliation to the Sputnik website (Contributor)

Individual observers at the 2018 Russian presidential election in annexed Crimea

No affiliation